In "Void & Meddler Episode 1," players dive into a vibrant and surreal cyberpunk world brimming with mystery and character. The game follows the story of a protagonist named "N - a woman with a fragmented memory - as she navigates the streets of a dystopian cityscape filled with eclectic characters and dark undertones. The narrative unfolds through a series of interactions, explorations, and puzzle-solving, revealing N's past and the enigmatic forces at play in her environment.
The art style stands out with its striking hand-drawn visuals and a unique color palette that captures the essence of a gritty future intertwined with the whimsical and bizarre. The gameplay features a combination of point-and-click mechanics and a narrative-driven experience, allowing players to engage deeply with the rich lore and various pathways that the story can take. Choices made during interactions can lead to different outcomes, enhancing the replayability of the episode as players seek to piece together N's fragmented history and uncover greater truths about the world around her.