In "The Gardens Between," players embark on a surreal journey through the memories of two childhood friends, Arina and Frendt. Set within a beautifully crafted world of floating islands and lush landscapes, the game utilizes a unique time-manipulation mechanic where players can control the flow of time to solve puzzles and navigate the environment. The gameplay revolves around manipulating time to overcome challenges, as players move objects and interact with the surroundings to progress through each garden, which symbolizes different moments in the characters’ friendship.
The visual style of "The Gardens Between" is characterized by its vibrant colors and dreamlike aesthetics, creating an enchanting atmosphere that complements the emotive storytelling. Throughout the game, players experience the nostalgia and bittersweetness of childhood memories, making each garden not only a puzzle to solve but also a part of the narrative that reveals the evolving friendship between Arina and Frendt. The absence of dialogue allows the visuals and the ambient soundtrack to convey deep emotions, inviting players to reflect on the themes of friendship, memory, and the passage of time as they guide the characters through their intertwined destinies.