The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope is an interactive horror video game developed by Supermassive Games and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Released in October 2020, it is the second installment in the Dark Pictures Anthology series, which focuses on standalone cinematic horror experiences. Set in the fictional town of Little Hope, the game follows four college students—Angela, John, Daniel, and Taylor—who become stranded after their bus crashes during a thick fog. As they navigate the eerie landscape, they uncover the town's haunting history related to witch trials and dark supernatural occurrences.
The gameplay centers on choice-driven interactions, where players control various characters and must make pivotal decisions that affect the narrative's progression and outcome. Players can explore the environment to gather clues and pieces of lore that deepen the unsettling atmosphere, leading to multiple possible endings based on the choices made during the game. Little Hope is characterized by its strong emphasis on player agency, a gripping storyline filled with twists, and chilling visual and audio design that collectively create a tense horror experience. The game also supports multiplayer modes, encouraging friends to experience the horror together through shared decision-making and consequences.