"The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story" is a narrative-driven mystery game that invites players into a rich and atmospheric world filled with intrigue and complex characters. Set across multiple timelines, the story revolves around the Shijima family, who are haunted by a series of murders that have plagued them for over a century. Players take on the role of a game writer named Haruka, who is drawn into investigating these unresolved cases. Through a combination of puzzle-solving and engaging with various characters, players must unravel the truth behind the cryptic events and the dark legacy of the Shijima lineage.
The gameplay mechanics blend live-action footage with interactive storytelling, creating a unique experience where choices made by the player can lead to different outcomes. As players navigate through dialogue options and investigative sequences, they gather clues and piece together the fragmented history of the Shijima family. The game emphasizes a strong narrative, exploring themes of fate, consequences, and the shadows of the past. With its visually striking presentation and immersive soundtrack, "The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story" promises to deliver a captivating experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats as they dive deeper into the mystery.