"Sir, You Are Being Hunted" is a first-person survival game developed by Big Robot Ltd. Set in a procedurally generated open world, the game immerses players in a unique and unsettling Victorian England backdrop, where they find themselves hunted by robotic foes in a rural landscape that has been turned into a hunting ground. The atmosphere is rich with a blend of humor and horror, where the player must navigate through various terrains including villages, fields, and ruined structures, all while avoiding detection by their mechanical pursuers, who are programmed to find and eliminate the player.
As players take on the role of a gentleman who has been unceremoniously dropped into this hostile environment, they must scavenge for resources, craft items, and strategically hide to survive. Stealth is crucial as players can utilize the landscape to create distractions or sneak past hunters that utilize various forms of AI to track their prey. The blend of collection mechanics, survival tactics, and the ever-looming threat of being hunted ensures a thrilling experience filled with tension and strategic planning. With a distinctive art style and quirky narrative elements, "Sir, You Are Being Hunted" offers a satirical commentary on hunting culture and survival games, creating a uniquely engaging experience for players.