"Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" is a crossover fighting game developed and published by Capcom. Released in September 2017, this installment in the long-running franchise showcases an engaging blend of characters from both the Marvel Comics universe and Capcom's video game roster. It features a streamlined gameplay system that allows for more accessible combat mechanics, enabling both newcomers and veterans to enjoy the frenetic action. Players engage in 2v2 battles, utilizing a tag-team system that encourages dynamic team strategies, and the introduction of the Infinity Stones—powerful artifacts granting unique abilities—adds an extra layer of depth and variety to the gameplay.
Set against the backdrop of a universe threatened by the combined forces of Marvel's Ultron Sigma, players navigate through a story mode that intertwines characters from both universes. The game showcases stunning visuals powered by an upgraded engine, presenting characters in a more cinematic and stylized form. With a diverse roster of fighters, each possessing their own unique moves and combos, players can create combinations that cater to their personal fighting styles. The overall experience is enhanced by various modes, including an arcade mode, online multiplayer, and custom matches, ensuring that players can continuously engage with the game well after its initial release.