"LISA" is a post-apocalyptic role-playing game developed by Dingaling Productions, notable for its dark humor, emotional depth, and unique narrative style. Set in a world where a cataclysmic event has led to the extinction of women, players step into the shoes of Brad Armstrong, a man burdened by the trauma of his past and desperate to find his adopted daughter, Buddy. The gameplay revolves around exploration, turn-based combat, and character interactions that shape the protagonist's choices and morality. As Brad, players navigate a wasteland filled with grotesque enemies, quirky characters, and moral dilemmas that force them to wrestle with the consequences of their actions.
The game is characterized by its distinct visual style, featuring pixel art graphics that evoke a sense of nostalgia, while also underscoring the grim realities of its narrative. "LISA" stands out for its unflinching exploration of heavy themes such as trauma, grief, and the impact of toxic masculinity. Players can engage with various side quests, recruit allies, and upgrade their abilities, all while facing the philosophical questions posed by their choices. With a unique blend of humor and bleakness, "LISA" immerses players in a thought-provoking experience that challenges their perceptions of heroism and sacrifice in a broken world.