IMMORTALITY is a narrative-driven video game designed by Sam Barlow, best known for his innovative storytelling techniques in games like "Her Story" and "Telling Lies." Released in 2022, the game invites players to explore the life and mysterious disappearance of a fictional actress named Marissa Marcel, an enigmatic figure whose work spans across three unreleased films from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. The unique aspect of IMMORTALITY lies in its approach to gameplay; players sift through a vast array of video clips, photographs, and audio recordings to uncover the truth about Marcel's life, career, and the events surrounding her vanishing act.
As players engage with the multimedia content, they have the ability to manipulate the footage, selecting specific clips to delve deeper into the narrative. The game’s non-linear structure allows for multiple interpretations of the story, encouraging exploration and critical thinking. Each interaction reveals layers of drama, intrigue, and complex character relationships, all intertwined with the themes of fame, legacy, and the darker sides of the entertainment industry. With a polished visual style, immersive sound design, and a hauntingly evocative score, IMMORTALITY sets itself apart as a unique experience that challenges traditional gameplay mechanics and pushes the boundaries of storytelling in video games.