"Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective" is a unique puzzle-adventure game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo DS. Players assume the role of Sissel, a ghost who has lost his memory and must use his newfound ability to possess inanimate objects to solve mysteries and prevent deaths that occurred on the night of his own murder. The game is presented in a side-scrolling style where players manipulate objects in the environment to unravel the intricate plot and uncover the truth behind Sissel's death.
With its captivating storytelling, inventive gameplay mechanics, and charming art style, "Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective" received critical acclaim for its fresh take on the adventure genre and clever puzzles. Players must think outside the box to manipulate the environment, change the course of events, and alter the fate of characters in a race against time. The game offers a blend of suspense, humor, and heartwarming moments as players delve deeper into the supernatural world of Ghost Trick to unravel the mysteries of the afterlife.