Forever Skies is an innovative open-world survival game set in a post-apocalyptic Earth ravaged by environmental collapse. Players take on the role of a scientist who must navigate this desolate landscape from the skies in a customizable airship. The game emphasizes exploration and resource gathering, as players venture down to the earth's surface to collect materials and uncover the remnants of civilization. The unique setting provides a blend of aerial exploration and ground-level survival, allowing players to experience the stark contrast between life in the clouds and the dangers lurking below.
As the players explore, they must also contend with the hostile environment and various threats, such as mutated creatures and weather hazards. Crafting plays a significant role, enabling players to enhance their airship and develop equipment to survive the harsh conditions. The game features a visually striking art style that immerses players in its colorful yet eerie world, with dynamic weather systems that impact gameplay. Forever Skies invites players to uncover the secrets of this transformed planet while simultaneously confronting the dire challenges of survival.