"Batman: The Telltale Series" is an episodic graphic adventure game developed by Telltale Games, released in 2016. The game explores the dual identity of Bruce Wayne and his vigilante alter ego, Batman, offering a nuanced narrative that deepens the lore of Gotham City and its iconic characters. Set in a world that draws from both classic comic book elements and contemporary storytelling, players navigate the challenges of being both a billionaire playboy and a crime-fighting hero. Utilizing a choice-driven format, players must make critical decisions that shape the storyline, affecting both the fate of Gotham and the relationships Bruce builds with other characters, including Alfred, Catwoman, and Harvey Dent.
The gameplay of "Batman: The Telltale Series" emphasizes dialogue choices and quick-time events over traditional combat mechanics, creating a more immersive experience focused on storytelling and character development. Each episode features dramatic moments that require players to confront moral dilemmas, investigate crime scenes, and engage in confrontations that test both their intellect and instincts. The episodes unfold with a cinematic quality, supported by a striking art style that mimics comic book aesthetics, and enhanced by an impactful musical score. The game not only delves into the psychology of its characters but also critiques the societal flaws within Gotham, making it a compelling take on the Batman mythos that resonates with fans and newcomers alike.