"Ankh" is a point-and-click adventure game developed by the German company The Adventure Company and released in 2005. Set in ancient Egypt, it follows the story of a young man named Assil, who accidentally becomes entangled in a perilous adventure after he mistakenly disrupts the balance between the living and the dead. His adventure begins when he comes into possession of an Ankh, a symbol of life, which serves as both a blessing and a curse, ultimately leading him to confront various gods, spirits, and challenges that test his wit and resilience.
The game is characterized by its vibrant, cartoonish graphics and humorous storytelling, with numerous puzzles that require critical thinking and clever problem-solving skills. Players interact with a richly animated world filled with unique characters, each with their own quirks, to uncover secrets and advance the narrative. The engine of the game allows for a diverse range of interactions, from collecting items to engaging in dialogue, all while maintaining a light-hearted tone that creates an engaging atmosphere for adventure enthusiasts. Throughout his journey, Assil must navigate through a variety of Egyptian mythology-inspired settings, ultimately aiming to restore harmony and save his own life in a captivating mix of exploration and puzzle-solving gameplay.